3 mind traps keeping you from maximizing content for your personal brand (+ a reintroduction)

Hey there, and happy Thursday to all you wonderful people!

It’s been a hot minute, hasn't it? I’ve been off the radar, thinking deeply about the direction of my ghostwriting.

Long story short, I've switched lanes from the creator economy to the world of remote work consultants. It's new but familiar, and one thing's for sure: you'll be seeing me in your inbox a lot more.

(Btw if that isn't cool with you, no worries! Just use this link to unsubscribe.)

So, let's talk changes. Our chats are going to look a bit different from now on:

  1. 🧲 The Auto-Magnet Dispatch: We'll dive into one (1) topic on how content can be a magnet for clients and a wider audience. Expect hands-on tips, real-life examples, the whole nine yards.
  2. 🤖↔️🧠 aka Bot ↔️ Brain: I'll share one (1) weekly AI prompt to help elevate your creative process + a breakdown of how to get the most out of each one. Consider it as your weekly dose of AI-assisted creativity!

My goal? To pack as much value as I can into your precious time. Simple as that.

We're shifting gears, but the journey ahead is exciting. Here's to evolving, growing, and thriving in this new chapter.

Ready to roll? Let's do this.

🧲 The Auto-Magnet Dispatch

Mind traps keeping you from maximizing content

Let's admit it, content creation can feel like a Mount Everest climb - intimidating and out of reach. But folks, it's all in your head.

There are three mind traps you're probably operating in:

  • Mind trap #1, I Can't Write: "I'm no Hemingway, so engaging content is out of my league."
  • Mind trap #2, I Can't Keep Up: "I'd need to become a content factory to stay on the map."
  • Mind trap #3, I Can't Give Away Anything for Free: "Why offer my golden ideas for free? That's a loss!"

This is a trifecta of false beliefs that stop consultants from using content as their client magnet.

Let's bust them, shall we?

Mind-trap #1: "I'm no Hemingway, so engaging content is out of my league."

Let's clear this up first: You don't need to be Hemingway to create compelling content. In fact, writing like Hemingway might not even work for your audience! Your perspective is your secret sauce.

Write like you talk, share your expert insights, and let your unique voice shine through.

Trust me; authenticity is engaging!

Mind-trap #2: "I'd need to become a content factory to stay on the map."

Quality over quantity, always.

You don't need to churn out content like a machine. It's more important to create valuable & thought-provoking pieces that resonate with your audience.

And here's a tip: Repurpose! Turn one piece of content into many – an email course can become five podcast episodes and fifteen tweets.

Be smart, not frantic.

Mind-trap #3: "Why offer my golden ideas for free? That's a loss!"

Think of free, valuable content as an investment, not a loss. It's how you build trust with your audience and establish yourself as an authority.

Yes, you're giving away some of your best ideas. But guess what?

People will come to you when they want more and will pay for your expertise because you've proven yourself already.

Don't let these mind traps keep you from leveraging content as your secret weapon to attract clients. Remember, the only "can't" is in your mind!


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One to many

The Prompt:
Create a templatized checklist in a table format that can be reused to remind me where and how I will repurpose one piece of content titled [Insert topic, niche, or idea]
Column 1: Task
Column 2: Format
Column 3: Channel
Column 4: Content
Column 5: Done? Yes or no

Best Model: GPT-4

🔗Get the prompt right in ChatGPT↗

That's it! Talk soon.

– Tami

Say hi 👋🏾 on LinkedIn or Twitter

☎️ Need an email content consult? Got some feedback?

Hit reply to let me know!

Creator Kinfolk

One in-depth piece of advice and one AI prompt to level up content. For the busy professional. Every Thursday, 12pm ET.

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