Beat the cringe; grow your personal brand

Creator Kinfolk

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Good writing is important to build your personal brand. Well, not GOOD writing – Good writing. But first,

What's the reason we all probably have a "personal brand" within us, but can only point to a select few people who've really made it work for them?

Consistency. Too many ideas. Not enough time. Writing is hard. Cringe. Poor results.

Basically, it takes time and grit and determination and all these things that we give in spades to our day jobs/side hustles, but don't lend ourselves.

I still struggle with the cringe feeling even though I'm starting to overcome some of the other challenges.

My mantra? It's not cool to talk about what you do online till your next sale or opportunity.

Then, no one cares about the cringe – they only care about your results.

Only you can decide that it's time to grow regardless of your inner voice or the external response to your content.

Anyway, writing Good content – what does that mean?

You're not Neil Gaiman penning Good Omens Season 2 (GOOD writing) (also, such a good season) – you're trying to communicate your personality and ideas consistently, clearly and concisely (Good writing).

If you're not publishing or no one's willing to read all the way through or they can't find your stuff, your needle is static – you can't grow.

In today's newsletter, we'll cover:

  1. 📨 How to write Good content to grow your personal brand consistently.
  2. 🤖 A little template + project I've been working on.
  3. 👀 Some recs that'll make you better at content or AI or life.

Ready? Let's roll.

📨 What writing Good content means

Clarity + Conciseness

Clear & concise writing is the cornerstone of effective communication.

It's about keeping your sentences short and simple, avoiding jargon, and leading with value.

Katelyn Bourgoin dived deep into why "how you say something matters" in her newsletter.

But taking the denser version of her explainer to social media wouldn't have made much of an impact.

Instead, she took the subject of her email and simplified their strategy into one tweet, quickly grabbing attention by leading with the main point and following up with facts/numbers.

Telling and showing

Use vivid descriptions, metaphors, and personal anecdotes to illustrate your points and make your content more engaging and relatable.

Would you rather read:

"To become a better writer, ignore the crowd and write to yourself" or Kieran Drew's:

"I used to be terrified of hitting publish as a beginner writer.

But then I realised 2 things:

  1. Nobody is reading your shit anyway
  2. Those who do, don’t really give a shit

Ignore the crowd.

Write to yourself."

Revising once, then again

Revision is where good writing becomes great. Journalists respect the AP guidelines because it's a model for ensuring their articles achieve

Mistakes distract from the purpose of your content and they make you look sloppy. You don't want that.

Take a break after writing your first draft, read your work aloud, use Grammarly to catch errors.

Still, I'll admit this is a LOT to remember and constantly implement in your work.

That's where the Content Pillar Ideation Template↗ comes in.

Content pillars? Yup, content pillars.

If you're taking your content seriously, you need them.

Knowing broadly what you'll always want to write about covers 50% of the work of generating Good content.

You can check for clarity, conciseness, engagement & relatability & revise if you know what you're publishing ahead of time.

🤖 The Content Pillar Ideation template

Publishing content consistently should become a lot easier with this Notion template. It includes:

  • A ChatGPT prompt that uses the Ikigai principle to help you find your content pillars.
  • Three sections to place three pillars to kickstart your consistency kick.
  • Writing prompts to help you .

I'd love feedback to improve it as well, so please share what you think of the template!

That's it

– Tami.

Say hi 👋🏾 on LinkedIn or Twitter

☎️ Need an email content consult? Got some feedback?

Hit reply to let me know!

19 Ladipo Omotesho Cole St, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Lagos 105102
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Creator Kinfolk

One in-depth piece of advice and one AI prompt to level up content. For the busy professional. Every Thursday, 12pm ET.

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