Can't imitate your way to personal brand growth

Creator Kinfolk

27 Jul 2023

Have you been Ariel'd?

The symptoms are: giving your voice over to a sea witch (aka LinkedIn/Twitter Thread speak), not being able to show anyone your voice (and almost losing the love of your life and turning to sea foam – yikes).

Or you know, reading your work and thinking "this sounds nothing like me" or not being able to pinpoint which of your content "shows off your personality."

If this sounds like you, then today's Creator Kinfolk is for you.

In today's newsletter, we'll cover:

  1. πŸ“¨ An example of when and how to ensure consistency in your tone and voice.
  2. πŸ€– Get ChatGPT to help you take the baby steps to showing off your voice in your content
  3. πŸ‘€ Some recs that'll make you better at content or AI or life.

Ready? Let's roll.

πŸ“¨ The Dispatch

Today's prompt will help you with "Voice and Style Analysis". It's designed to help you evaluate your tone, adapt to various platforms, maintain consistency, and make ongoing adjustments.

I've come up with three archetypes I think fit into who might benefit from this prompt: "Career", "Solopreneur" and "Creator". You might even have cross over with all three.

Here's how someone in the Career archetype might use today's prompt.

Meet Frida, an up-and-coming UX designer committed to enhancing her expertise and connecting with the industry. Frida's been taking several courses and wants to share her newfound skills on LinkedIn more frequently.

But Frida's ambition goes beyond just sharing information; she wants her content to resonate with her personality, her professional aspirations, and her passion for user-centered design. She wants her voice to be not only heard but felt, connecting with others on a more profound level.

As Frida crafts her LinkedIn posts, she'll want to be mindful of her voice and tone, striking to strike a balance between professionalism and personal enthusiasm.

Her content should consistently reflect her growing confidence and expertise, as well as her genuine excitement about her field.

Clear language, avoiding jargon and including personal reflections, make her posts relatable not just to fellow designers but to a broader professional audience.

The consistency of Frida's voice and tone is vital. It's more than just words; it's a manifestation of her journey, her growth, and her identity as a UX designer.

By aligning her voice with her professional but passionate, informative, and reflective personality, she can build trust and engagement with her audience.

Her adaptation strategy ensures that her content feels right at home on LinkedIn, while remaining flexible enough to be adapted for other platforms.

She'll continually evaluate responses, adjust her approach, and strive to connect authentically with her community as a bridge to meaningful relationships and a fulfilling UX design career.

Here's a prompt for Frida (aka you) to translate this knowledge of how she wants her content to come across and be used to a system that can ensure she's always right on the money.

πŸ€– Voice & Style Analysis


  • You are tasked with analyzing a specific piece of content to ensure consistency in voice and style across different platforms.
  • Your detailed analysis and thoughtful recommendations will help align the content with the preferred voice and style.
  • Approach each step with precision and provide specific examples and rationales for your suggestions.
  • Propose actionable solutions to enhance the content's alignment with the desired voice and style.
  • Additionally, provide a score out of 10 to evaluate how well the content aligns with the preferred voice and style.

Content to Analyze:

  • Your Content: [Insert the content you want to analyze]
  • Content Medium: [Specify the platform or format of the content, e.g., Blog Post, LinkedIn Post, Twitter Thread, etc.]
  • Preferred Voice Description: [Describe your preferred voice]
  • Adaptation Strategy: [Explain your adaptation strategy]
  • Consistency Guidelines: [Outline your consistency guidelines]
  • Evaluation Strategy: [Share your evaluation strategy]
  • Optional - Voice Example: [Insert an example of content written in your preferred voice, if available]

Analysis Criteria:

Voice Characteristics (Score: /10): Evaluate the tone, style, and formality level of the text. Identify inconsistencies or deviations from the preferred voice. Provide a score based on how well the content aligns with the preferred voice.

Platform Adaptation (Score: /10): Assess how the voice is adapted for different platforms or audiences. Identify areas that lack alignment with the adaptation strategy. Provide a score based on how well the content adapts to different platforms.

Consistency Guidelines (Score: /10): Examine the content for adherence to any guidelines or processes used to ensure consistency. Identify areas that violate these guidelines. Provide a score based on how consistently the content follows the guidelines.

Evaluation & Adjustment (Score: /10): Analyze how the content aligns with the preferred voice over time. Identify areas that need ongoing evaluation and adjustment. Provide a score based on how well the content aligns with ongoing evaluation strategies.

Optional - Comparison with Voice Example (Score: /10): If a voice example is provided, compare the content with the example to identify similarities and differences. Provide a score based on how closely the content matches the voice example.

Start Response: Let's begin with your content to analyze – here's what I need from you...

P.S. If you fill out your custom instructions, you can get even more detailed results.


A quick request

You like this newsletter (at least I hope you do) and I'd love if you told other folks why with a quick testimonial – it'll take you less than 1 minute.


πŸ‘€ A Thing or Two

My day job makes an appearance! Here's how I write content for the Buffer blog.​

​Why Erica & Kasey of Power Your Platform aren't calling it a "personal brnad" anymore.​

Random but here's a playlist for all the teenage girls in their 20s.


just a teenage girl in her 2...
Hypnotic β€’ Zella Day
Spotify Logo

​Start growing an engaged audience for your personal brand with Buffer*​


*Yes, this is a referral link. No, I don't get anything apart from personal satisfaction.

That's it

– Tami.


Say hi πŸ‘‹πŸΎ on LinkedIn or Twitter​

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Hit reply to let me know!


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Creator Kinfolk

One in-depth piece of advice and one AI prompt to level up content. For the busy professional. Every Thursday, 12pm ET.

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