Become a trend-seeking missile with these two (basically free) tools

Creator Kin

27 Jul 2023

πŸ‘‹ Hey there,

Yes, yes, the look's changed again – I'm in my experimental phase. Hit reply to let me know what you think of this setup!

Today's newsletter tackles something we often struggle with when creating content for our personal brand – what the heck do I say?

There are many ways to answer this – I'm talking through one of them today.

Also, how was your Barbieheimer weekend? I had a 6-hour Sunday at the cinema – divine.

In today's newsletter, we'll cover:

  1. πŸ“¨ The Dispatch (yet another different thing): How to supercharge your content with research using only two (basically free) tools.
  2. πŸ€– Bot <> Brain (at least this is the same): How to use a different type of AI to 2x the supercharge you just supercharged (?).
  3. πŸ‘€ A Thing or Two (also new): Recommendations that'll make you better at AI or content – or both.

Ready? Let's roll.

πŸ“¨ The Dispatch

You just scrolled past a LinkedIn post about "on-page SEO in content marketing" and you stop to read and think, "Wow this is super valuable."

Now, if you're seeing posts like that, then SEO or content is probably your field or at least an interest of yours. So you're probably familiar with most of the

But maybe the insights this creator shared are backed by a stat or report you've never heard.

How do they do that?


Research is the backbone of impactful educational content – deep digging into topics for what's out there but hasn't been put in the right context.

But, let's be honest, most of us just do a "first page of Google" search (guilty) and don't look beyond for deeper insights.

The problem is, everyone else is doing the same thing, so anyone with the slightest edge in experience or knowledge gets the engagement.

Still, the whole reason you're reading this is because, as much as you want to invest more time into things like deep research, you don't have any to give.

If you can spare 30 minutes, though we can walk through two tools that will help you get up to speed with incorporating research in your content creation.


An introduction to the two tools that can make you sound more like an expert

  • ​Glimpse: A platform that offers insights into emerging consumer trends. It's perfect for spotting early trends and understanding market shifts.
  • ​Google Trends: A free tool by Google that analyzes the popularity of search queries in Google Search. It provides data on "interest over time" for specific terms and topics.


Your Research Process + (Glimpse + Google Trends) = Automatic Idea Machine

Thanks to its "Supercharged" Chrome extension, you can combine Glimpse with Google Trends to enhance your experience. It's like having a magnifying glass for trend analysis! With Glimpse in Google Trends:

  • Spot early trends: A major sell of Google Trends is it can help you identify emerging trends before they go mainstream. This is especially great if you want to position yourself as a thought leader in your niche.
  • Get ideas: Glimpse categorizes trends into categories and subcategories content, so if you're stumped for ideas, you can find trending keywords in your niche to spark ideas.
  • Set alerts for when a trend rises or falls: This is another way to position yourself as a thought leader, as you can position evergreen, advisory content through a timely lens.
  • Seasonal insights: Understand if a trend in your niche is seasonal or consistent throughout the year so you can start planning content in advance.
  • Filter and analyze: Google Trends allows you to filter data by region but not by age or gender. Use this to tailor and target your content to specific geographies.


How to Use Supercharged Google Trends

Once you've added Glimpse to your Chrome plugin set, open up Google Trends and toggle Glimpse 'On' – your homepage should change.

You get 10 free searches after signing up (viewing subcategories counts as a search btw), so I suggest thinking a little about which categories and keywords you'll explore.


On to practical applications:

Maybe a colleague mentions off-handedly that you'd be perfect for a role as a "Remote Closer" (I just found this messing around in the Business category so just go with it).


You might go into Trends (+ Glimpse) and search Remote Closer. Without changing anything, you'd be met with this:


Then you scroll to the 'People Also Search' section and see this:


So you start digging into the role and realize that you have unique expertise here and can use this information to become a thought leader. Or you can better position yourself to get a job in the space with content.


Another scenario is one that's a bit closer to home. If I were to share more about my work as a content writer or advice for other people – I'd need to know what questions are being asked right?


So I'd jump straight to the 'People Also Search' section of a 'content writer' search to see what those questions are and start answering them with my content.


I might even want to see which channel I should focus on to find my exact audience:


Now, a tool for supercharging trends shouldn't turn you into merely a trend-identifying and sharing machine.

Instead, use the trends you discover to enhance your content and make your existing expertise more relevant to the current climate of your niche.

I hope this has helped, and I'm eager to see what you create!


P.S. This is NOT an ad. Glimpse is just awesome.

πŸ€– Bot<>Brain

Use this prompt to adapt existing research to practical ideas.

Now, this needs a few things to prep, so stick with me:

  • The LinkReader plugin (which knocks non-Plus users out of the running – sorry!) – get the link to download it in the last section. Make sure it's activated, and you select it before you kick off a new chat.
  • Download the "People Also Search" document as a Google Sheet – the icon is at the top right corner of your screen.
  • For this prompt to work effectively, you'll need to change the document's permissions to "Anyone can edit" (Don't feed any sensitive or proprietary information to ANY AI tool, though!)

Got it? Here's the prompt:

Here's a spreadsheet: [Insert link to your public Google Sheet]
Based on the data and information from it, create a list of 50 writing and creative prompts that I can use for my [specify your platform - I used LinkedIn] content considering my specific audience, tone, and style of:
- Audience: [Insert a few words about your audience]
- Tone: [Insert a few words about your preferred tone]
- Style: [Insert a few words about the style you want the content in + platform specifications]

P.S. If you fill out your custom instructions, you can scratch the ending specification portion specifying. Let me know if you'd like me to do a deep dive on creating detailed custom instructions!


That's it

– Tami.


Say hi πŸ‘‹πŸΎ on LinkedIn or Twitter​

☎️ Need an email content consult? Got some feedback?

Hit reply to let me know!


19 Ladipo Omotesho Cole St, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Lagos 105102
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Creator Kinfolk

One in-depth piece of advice and one AI prompt to level up content. For the busy professional. Every Thursday, 12pm ET.

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