Hint: it's not about how much time you spend on engagement

Creator Kin

27 Jul 2023

"Engagement" is as buzzword-y as it gets

Today's deep dive, like many of my ideas, was inspired by a question from* LinkedIn (hi Anna).

*I'm still taking questions btw, so follow me on LinkedIn to ask and contribute so I can answer yours!

In today's newsletter, we'll cover:

  1. πŸ“¨ The Dispatch: Social media engagement? In this economy? Yeah, I know – here's how to make it a bit easier
  2. πŸ€– Bot <> Brain: Get ChatGPT to do all the work of figuring out the right timing for you
  3. πŸ‘€ A Thing or Two: Recs that'll make you better at life or AI or content.

Ready? Let's roll.

πŸ“¨ The Dispatch

Anna asked a super valid question:

A lot of people say "It's not only about creating content online, it's about interacting with other people" (commenting on other people's posts, no matter what the platform). But they don't often talk about how much time they spend per day doing that. Is it 30 minutes? Is it an hour? Does spending more time lead to faster growth?

I personally don't have a one-and-done, results-based answer for this – I engage as the spirit leads.

Apart from just not being as terminally online as some folks must be to keep up with all the things fighting for their attention, I'm also often very busy.

I can go days without checking on my socials. I can also spend a whole day bouncing from app to app (woman of many talents).

So I don't have a tried and true answer about timing.

And I'm sure many of you, especially those with tight schedules, are overwhelmed by the thought of adding yet another handwavy thing like "engagement" to your already packed to-do list.

But truth is, it's the route many folks have gone to grow their personal brands.

So we've established: engagement is important but we don't have time – what now?

Here are my recommendations, as someone who's trying to create better systems and offer them to others:


  • Quality vs. quantity: It’s not about how much time you spend but how you spend it. Even 15 minutes of genuine, thoughtful engagement can be more effective than an hour of mindless scrolling and generic comments on every other post:
Instead of generic comments like "Great post!" aim for comments that add value. Ask a question, share a relevant personal experience, or offer a different perspective.
When you share someone's content, add a personal touch. Why did you find it valuable? How does it relate to your audience?
If a post resonates with you, consider sending a direct message to the author. It's a more personal way to connect and can lead to deeper conversations.
  • Set clear objectives with SMART goals: Cliche? Maybe. Valid? Definitely. SMART goals can help you define what you want to achieve with your engagement.
Specific: Instead of "I want to network," aim for "I want to connect with 5 professionals in my industry weekly."
Measurable: Track the number of meaningful interactions you have each week.
Achievable: Set goals that challenge you but are realistic, given your time constraints.
Relevant: Your engagement should align with your personal brand and professional goals.
Time-Bound: Give yourself a deadline. For example, "In the next month, I aim to have 20 meaningful conversations on LinkedIn."
  • Create time blocks (with a twist): Allocate specific times in your day or week for engagement. This could be 15 minutes in the morning and evening. Use this time to comment on posts, respond to comments on your content, and engage in meaningful conversations.
The 15-5-5 Rule: Spend 15 minutes in the morning scrolling and absorbing content. Then, spend 5 minutes commenting on posts that resonate with you and another 5 minutes sharing or retweeting with your insights.
Set a Timer: Use your phone or a digital timer. When it goes off, it's time to log off. This ensures you stay focused during your engagement time.
  • Prioritize 1-2 platforms where your target audience is most active to ensure quality engagement without spreading yourself too thin
  • Focus on posts and discussions that align with your personal brand and expertise. Engaging in relevant conversations increases the chances of your comments being noticed and valued.
  • At the end of each week, spend 10 minutes reflecting on your social media engagement. What conversations stood out? Did you meet your SMART goals? What can you do differently next week?


Bringing meaningful engagement out of your head to a tactical approach can help you look at it more holistically (and save you a ton of time).


It'll also leave you space to keep an eye on your performance. Do you see increased profile visits? More connections or followers? If not, adjust your strategy.


The key here is always showing up (consistency) with genuinely contributing (authenticity) to get you to the point where it's a (healthy) habit that's growing your personal brand.


Hope that helped!


And check out the prompt for a way to make this process even faster.

πŸ€– Bot<>Brain

Use this prompt to get a tailored engagement plan to suit your schedule

Given my work schedule of [X hours] per day and a focus on platforms [Platform 1, Platform 2], provide a structured weekly plan for effective social media engagement.
The plan should consider:
Content Creation Frequency: [Daily/Every other day/Thrice a week/etc.]
Engagement Time: [X minutes/hours] daily.
Preferred Engagement Type: [Comments/Shares/Direct Messages/etc.]
Reflection Time: [End of the day/End of the week/etc.]
The plan should be actionable, practical, and based on the principles of quality engagement, SMART goals, and efficient time management.

P.S. If you fill out your custom instructions, you can get even more detailed results.


P.S. Click here if you'd like a deep dive into creating detailed custom instructions​


πŸ‘€ A Thing or Two

I haven't gotten over Good Omens 2 – what are you watching lately? Hit reply to get me out of my TV slump

​This podcast episode with Jay Clouse & Kieran Drew is a goldmine for creators.​

​The one guide you need to building a personal brand by Amanda Natividad.

​Start growing an engaged audience for your personal brand with Buffer*​


*Yes, this is a referral link. No, I don't get anything apart from personal satisfaction.

That's it

– Tami.


Say hi πŸ‘‹πŸΎ on LinkedIn or Twitter​

☎️ Need an email content consult? Got some feedback?

Hit reply to let me know!


19 Ladipo Omotesho Cole St, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Lagos 105102
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Creator Kinfolk

One in-depth piece of advice and one AI prompt to level up content. For the busy professional. Every Thursday, 12pm ET.

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